Sunday, October 3, 2010

First Post

This blog isn't intended to be viewed by people who know me.
This blog is for me to write my poems, feelings, struggles, breakthroughs and songs to my God.

This blog is set-up during the darkest period of my walk with Him.

At this very moment, I felt God had just turned me towards Him once again. I felt that this is a turning point in my life and my relationship with Him.
Yesterday, my deputy senior pastor preached about turning points. And I felt God tugging at my heart.
I had been a christian since 2005. I have numerous breakthroughs, struggles and triumphs with my God.
But this year, my life slipped back to my past again.

I begin smoking, gambling, cursing and swearing again. I had horrible horrible sexual sins. These habits and sins are those which I had conquered when I became a christian. Deep inside, I felt guilty, hypocritical, yet unable to breakthrough. I felt trapped. Sin is really a terrible thing.

I got into gambling debt, and that forced me to rethink my life. On the way home after trying to raise money to pay off the debt, I felt the Holy Spirit tugging my heart. My Ipod played a song which reminded me of God's grace. I repented immediately. I gave my heart to Jesus once again.

God's grace is sufficient for us. and His strength is made perfect in our weaknesses. These are scars in my life which when I looked back, I know I cant live without Him.

Jesus. You know I love You. Give me a heart that is after Your own heart.